Children with Dyslexia, Asperger's and reading confusion learn differently, and learning happens in a unique way. When they are expected to do normal schoolwork they try their best, but experience a lot of mental stress.
Dyslexics see other children getting ahead, they see themselves falling behind. The distractions of the classroom add to the confusion. Normal schoolwork fogs the mind and overwhelms the child.
Some students have a combination of Dyslexia, ADHD and Asperger's, even though they are very intelligent, their brains may shut down under florescent lighting, and they lose their drive to learn when they are being forced to study things that seem confusing or irrelevant to them.
The brightest kids are the first to point out that many of the things they are learning in school have nothing to do with real life. No one wants to fess up and agree that they are right, so the kids may rebel a bit. Yet, I think we can all agree that reading and writing is essential. So when a child truly has reading confusion, it is the parent's responsibility to do something to help when the school fails. We can't expect a teacher who is responsible for 20 or 30 children to give an individual child the special attention needed. Most teachers will not give different learning material to different children, because they are all required to take the same tests, and that would be a challenge. Besides, it is generally obvious that the dyslexic child is quite brilliant in many ways and they wouldn't fit into a special needs program.
So, once you decide that you are going to provide your unique child with dyslexia therapy at home, you need a program that does not require YOU to be an expert. You need something that the child will enjoy and can work on independently. Most parents who don't claim to be "dyslexia specialists" choose Dyslexia Games, because it is so easy to use at home, and it is affordable. The parents who are dyslexia specialists (like me) love the program because of the science behind it, and because of the amazing results.
WHY can't they learn at SCHOOL?
Q. When is the best time to help a child to overcome problems with Dyslexia? A. When the child has a long break from the stress of school, and can relax and learn in an unstructured and comfortable setting.
Don't use dyslexia therapy when the child's mind is focused on his other schoolwork.
Don't spend a lot of money on tutors and testing before you try to help your child at home.
Don't try to squeeze the therapy in when the majority of him time is occupied with structured learning.
Dyslexic children learn best when they are feeling peaceful, calm and interested. They often do not respond well to pressure, parental disappointment, or unrealistic expectations. A bad report card and a lecture from mom or dad is not motivating for the dyslexic child, it is devastating.
So WHEN and HOW should you work with a dyslexic child to overcome reading, writing and spelling problems?
If you are homeschooling you could take a break from spelling and reading lessons and just use Dyslexia Games for at least 3 weeks. Give the brain time to overcome many of the basic problems with reading confusion first, and then slowly add other activities if the child does not seem stressed.
If you are not homeschooling, try Dyslexia Games during Summer Vacation and on the weekends. Use after school if the child is not bogged down with homework. Talk to the child's teacher about taking a break from programs that are not working.
Dyslexia Games is a fun therapy that helps children with Dyslexia to tap into their creative thinking power to unlock the reading mystery. Many children with Dyslexia are really smart, inquisitive, and very creative. So they need a therapy that feeds that creativity and curiosity- and looks nothing like preschool!
The workbooks begin with ART, Puzzle Games and many 3D drawings. We know that dyslexic learners have a knack for figuring out these puzzles because of their visual thinking talents. The Puzzle Games activate the right brain and over time the games begin to introduce symbols, letters and numbers - as part of the art! The art and puzzles gradually transform into reading activities and over the course of 2 to 3 months, depending on the pace of the student, the right brain takes over the job of reading! Most parents and teachers see results in the first 3 or 4 weeks, they say it is like a light bulb turning on in the student's brain. Suddenly everything they failed to grasp in the past starts to become clear!
Eventually the student is weaned away from the art, as drawings are replaced with normal words, sentences and poetry. At the end of Dyslexia Games Series B the student is doing normal schoolwork. That can even read black letters on a white page. Once the therapy is complete the reading confusion is gone and students are able to move on to normal reading and writing activities!
Q. When is the best time to help a child to overcome problems with Dyslexia?
A. When the child has a long break from the stress of school, and can relax and learn in an unstructured and comfortable setting.
- By Sarah J. Brown
Use Dyslexia Games this Summer! Workbooks on Sale: www.DyslexiaGames.com